3D printing & additive manufacturing -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Image: 3D printer prints a vertebra

Additive manufacturing: Trends and developments in precision manufacturing


Precision meets innovation within additive manufacturing. It is changing medical technology like no other force. It enables the precise manufacture of highly complex and individual products and offers advantages that traditional processes such as milling or casting cannot provide. From customized implants to resource-saving production - what seemed impossible a few years ago is now a reality.
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Image: Preview picture of video

Biocompatible materials – New developments for medical applications


The use of biocompatible materials in medical technology prevents problems wherever the surface of medical devices comes into contact with body tissue or fluids: for example, they prevent or inhibit negative reactions from the body and immune system, or they support healing while being gradually absorbed by the body.
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Image: A cube of cartilage construct on a petri dish held by a gloved hand in a laboratory setting; Copyright: Ozbolat Lab at Penn State / Penn State

Ozbolat Lab at Penn State / Penn State

Bioprinting: speed up in functional tissue fabrication


Penn State researchers have unveiled a novel bioprinting method that accelerates tissue production 10 times faster than existing techniques. This advancement, published in Nature Communications, enables the creation of high-density, functional tissue, paving the way for future applications in regenerative medicine and surgical procedures.
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Image: A transparent container with circular compartments filled with red liquid, featuring 3D-printed structures; Copyright: University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham

Blood-based materials for personalized regenerative implants


Researchers from the University of Nottingham have developed a new blood-derived material capable of repairing bones. This "biocooperative" material, created from a patient's own blood, has the potential to become a key tool for personalized regenerative therapies.
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Image: Illustration of a cell trap array; Copyright: Fraunhofer IMM

Fraunhofer IMM

Microfluidic single-cell technologies: precision printing for personalized medicine


The Fraunhofer Institute for Microengineering and Microsystems IMM uses microfluidics and single-cell technologies to print precise organ structures - a significant development for personalized medicine. At MEDICA 2024 in Hall 3, Stand E74, the team presented its latest advances in bioprinting-based organ culture construction for future medical applications.
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Illustration of the place in the knee where the implant is inserted; Copyright: Fraunhofer IAP / Jadwiga Galties

Fraunhofer IAP / Jadwiga Galties

3D bioprinting: Personalized implants for cartilage therapy


The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) are developing 3D printing inks with the body's own cartilage cells for personalized cartilage implants. The research is intended to create new treatment options for cartilage damage and strengthen the innovative power of Lusatia.
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Image: 3D printer as preview image to the video

From dental crowns to prostheses: The versatile world of 3D printing


Discover the dimensions of 3D printing in our latest video, which shows the possibilities of current printer models and highlights the diverse areas of application in the field of medical technology. Whether dentistry or orthopaedics, 3D printers can be used in a wide range of applications and the medical technology sector would be unthinkable without them.
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Image: Two hands holding a 3D-printed bolt; Copyright: Envato/Tatiana_Mara


Innovation in 3D: Laser Powder Bed Fusion


An innovative 3D printing process is breaking down traditional manufacturing boundaries and opening up unimagined possibilities from aerospace to medical technology: laser powder bed fusion (LPBF). In our interview, Tim Lantzsch from the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT explains current applications of this promising additive manufacturing technology.
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Image: Products from the 3D printer on a black background; Copyright: Empa


Miracle material: cellulose aerogel combines sustainability with high-tech


Researchers at Empa in Switzerland have developed a new type of material that combines several pioneering properties: the cellulose aerogel is biodegradable, can be printed in three dimensions and also offers excellent thermal insulation.
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Image: Various 3D-printed small parts lying on a table; Copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

PolyPrint: better therapies, fewer side effects – 3D printing for individualized medication


The start-up goatAM wants to commercialize 3D printing technology for pharmaceuticals. goatAM CEO Tilmann Spitz and Dr. Julian Quodbach from Utrecht University explain the advantages of the process, why the individual dosing of drugs in 3D printing makes sense and how the properties of the polymers influence the release of the drugs.
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Image: Implant shaft under 3D printer; Copyright: Fraunhofer CMI

ninelutsk / Envato

Biomimetic adhesive for tissue and bone from the 3D printer


Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) and the Fraunhofer USA Center for Manufacturing Innovation have developed a tissue adhesive based on the model of the mussel. The printable dopamine-based tissue adhesive can even be printed on curved, uneven surfaces.
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Image: Graphic representation of the encapsulation of the mRNA active ingredient in the automated screening system as part of the RNAuto research project; Copyright: Fraunhofer IESE

Fraunhofer IESE

Automated production of mRNA therapeutics


The price of a drug is not only dependent on the raw materials used, but is also determined by the manufacturing process. High prices are charged for some cancer drugs in particular, as they can only be produced in small quantities at great expense. Keyword: mRNA therapeutics.
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Image: a printed hand in the 3D printer being pushed out by hands; Copyright: envato/FabrikaPhoto


Patient-specific solutions from the 3D printer


Complex 3D printing can be used to produce individualized parts for medical technology purposes. Robin Day, Head of the Energy Beam Processes department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, explains in an interview with COMPAMED-tradefair.com how companies are supported with advice and service.
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Image: Printing the support frame using a 3D printer; Copyright: bellaSeno


3D printing: composite material for bone healing


After a bone fracture, some patients experience healing disorders. To enable effective treatment in these cases, the Fraunhofer Institute IFAM (Germany) is researching a new composite material for use in the operating theater as part of the SCABAEGO joint project.
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Image: An older man is interviewed by a woman with a microphone; Copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Innovation in medicine: DiHeSys presents 3D printing technology for personalized medicines


At COMPAMED 2023, DiHeSys - Digital Health Systems GmbH, presents customized drug production using 3D printing technology, which is designed to set new standards in the field of personalized medicine.
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Image: At the pilot plant, a 3D printer builds the scaffold from the composite material; Copyright: BellaSeno


COMPAMED 2023: Bioactive composite supports healing of broken bones


A broken bone failing to heal represents an enormous burden for patients. Fraunhofer researchers have worked alongside partners to develop a composite material to be used in the treatment of such non-union cases. The resulting implant is designed to significantly improve treatment success rates and speed up the healing process.
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Image: Preview picture of video

A visit at Comate – Trends in medical product development and design


In the field of medical design, constant development is required: from the design of medical devices to components and materials to new production processes. In this video, engineer Joris Bellens and business developer Lukas Stabel explain how the Belgian company Comate develops state-of-the-art products from the initial idea to the market-ready product.
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Image: The transverse link with imprinted force sensor measures the stresses acting in the application at any time; Copyright: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen.

Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen

Integrated sensor technology: the next step in additive manufacturing


Trends such as Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things are making the precise recording of the condition of machines and components increasingly important. To face the challenges in collecting sufficient data, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT has developed a sensor infrastructure for smart industrial applications and implemented it using additive manufacturing processes.
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Image: Several disposable masks on a pile of garbage; Copyright: Rimidolove


Sustainable materials and recycling in the medical industry


Recycling instead of disposing sounds easy. But where are the difficulties and what opportunities exist for the industry to become more sustainable, despite strict safety regulations?
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Image: A blue 3D printed bandage on a hand; Copyright: Faraz Faruqi and Stefanie Mueller

Faraz Faruqi and Stefanie Mueller

AI-driven tool to personalize 3D-printable models


MIT researchers developed a generative-AI-driven tool that enables the user to add custom design elements to 3D models without compromising the functionality of the fabricated objects. A designer could utilize this tool, called Style2Fab, to personalize 3D models of objects using only natural language prompts to describe their desired design.
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Image: some computer mouse shells made of printed wood fiber on a table; Copyright: Empa


Wood instead of plastic? The dream of sustainable products


In our everyday life, the desire to use sustainable products instead of those made of plastic is common and can usually be implemented well. But what about medical technology manufacturers? Could they do without plastics at all in order to become more sustainable? After all, they often use a lot of electronics.
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Image: A man working with a 3D printer; Copyright: Patrick Mansell/Penn State

Patrick Mansell/Penn State

Grant to facilitate high-speed bioprinting of bones, tracheas, organs


Developing technology to quickly and efficiently bioprint human tissues at scale is the goal of a new project led by Penn State researchers. When fully developed, the technology will be the first to enable the fabrication of scalable, native tissues such as bones, tracheas and organs.
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Image:  Doctoral candidate Lukas Hiendlmeier working on the self-folding electrodes; Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Electrodes: 4D printing for nerve stimulation


Specific nerves may be stimulated artificially, for example to treat pain. The finer the nerves, the more difficult it is to attach the required electrodes. Researchers have now developed flexible electrodes produced with 4D printing technology. On contact with moisture, they automatically fold and wrap themselves around thin nerves.
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Image: Image showing the preparation of hydrogels that enhance the viability of NK cells; Copyright: KIMM


3D bioprinting technology to be used for removing cancer cells


KIMM develops the world’s first 3D bioprinting technology that enhances the function of NK immune cells. The new technology is expected to improve effectiveness of cancer treatment.
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Image: Six artificial fingerprint patterns with different properties to visualise individual fluorescence and topography; Copyright: Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces / Dr Felix Loeffler

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces / Dr Felix Loeffler

Product safety: anti-counterfeiting through laser printing


A team of researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) has developed a method that could make it more difficult to counterfeit products in the future. The new and patented method makes it possible to produce unique, non-copyable fluorescent patterns quickly, environmentally friendly and at low costs.
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Image: The developed mini scanner and a two Euro coin for size comparison; Copyright: Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen

Fraunhofer ILT, Aachen

Compact laser scanner with 90 percent less construction volume


Galvanometer scanners have been in use in laser material processing for decades. However, a team from the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT has now developed a new, particularly compact scanner module for applications in 3D printing, micromachining or medical technology.
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Image: Close-up of a WFIRM gyroid-shaped construct on a blue-gloved hand; Copyright: WFIRM


Bioprinting research makes history when it soars to the ISS


The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) will make history this month when the first bioprinted solid tissue constructs soar to the International Space Station (ISS) on board the next all private astronaut mission by commercial space leader Axiom Space.
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Image: Barnika Chakraborty, Professor Rainer Adelung and Dr Leonard Siebert; Copyright: Julia Siekmann, Uni Kiel

Julia Siekmann, Uni Kiel

New sensors for healthier indoor air


People spend an average of 22 hours a day indoors, where furniture, carpets or wall paints can release harmful solvents over time. The scientists in the international doctoral programme "SENNET" aim to detect such pollutants. They want to develop reliable sensors based on special, porous materials.
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Image: flat printed model of a deformable finger orthosis on a light background; Copyright: Fraunhofer IWU

Fraunhofer IWU

2.5D printing: "It only takes about five minutes to print an orthosis"


Customized finger orthoses that can be printed quickly: Lukas Boxberger from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU in Dresden focuses his research on this subject. In the future, the WEAM orthosis will support the customization of standard orthoses. In this interview, he explains the processes and materials that will turn this concept into a reality.
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Image: A smart bandage rests on a gloved finger; Copyright: Caltech


'Smart' bandages monitor wounds and provide targeted treatment


A new kind of smart bandage developed at Caltech may make treatment of chronic wounds easier, more effective, and less expensive. These smart bandages were developed in the lab of Wei Gao, assistant professor of medical engineering, Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator, and Ronald and JoAnne Willens Scholar.
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Image: Shape of a bird in the center of several concentric shells; Copyright: Kai Melde, MPI for Medical Research

Fraunhofer IWM

Creating 3D objects with sound


Scientists from the Micro, Nano and Molecular Systems Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials at Heidelberg University have created a new technology to assemble matter in 3D. Their concept uses multiple acoustic holograms to generate pressure fields.
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