A newly developed AI-powered tool, PlacentaVision, could improve neonatal and maternal care by analyzing placentas immediately after birth. This advancement addresses a frequently overlooked issue: the discarding of placentas without examination.28/11/2024
On May 21, 2024, the Council of the 27 EU Member States adopted the AI Act, a uniform framework for the use of artificial intelligence in the European Union, which has been in force since August 1, 2024.15/08/2024
Imagine standing on the threshold of the future of medical technology – a world in which tiny machines achieve great things, intelligent materials adapt to the needs of patients and robots redefine the limits of what is possible. With the Hot Topics, COMPAMED 2024 in Düsseldorf offers unique showcases of these fascinating developments.27/05/2024
Within medical technology, AI programs are swiftly being implemented - from relieving doctors of work to detecting cancerous tumors at an early stage. AI is also playing an increasingly important role for medical technology suppliers. It can control, monitor and optimize manufacturing processes for components and materials.28/03/2024
Cutting-edge AI technology is improving the field of materials science, particularly in the quest for sustainable energy solutions. Researchers at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Japan have developed an evolutionary AI technique that accelerates the discovery of high-performance materials crucial for green hydrogen production.28/02/2024
A cutting-edge research from the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering and Department of Chemistry unveils a development in immune cell analysis. Scientists have engineered microscopic robots capable of binding to immune cells, offering a novel approach to studying their functions and advancing immunotherapy design.14/12/2023
A better understanding of muscle activity patterns in the forearm supports a more intuitive and natural control of artificial limbs. This requires a network of 128 sensors and artificial intelligence based techniques.23/11/2023
The Chair of Databases at TUD Dresden University of Technology is now a partner in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) joint research and development project LOTSE - an AI project to optimize chip production in Saxony.02/11/2023
Hussam Amrouch has developed an AI-ready architecture that is twice as powerful as comparable in-memory computing approaches.01/11/2023
Providing the best possible support for people in production, transferring their knowledge and maintaining their ability to work for as long as possible is becoming increasingly important for companies, a trend report by Fraunhofer IPK makes clear.11/10/2023
Researchers at the Fraunhofer IWM, in collaboration with Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, have developed a deep learning model that enables objective assessment of the grain size in steel.19/09/2023
MIT researchers developed a generative-AI-driven tool that enables the user to add custom design elements to 3D models without compromising the functionality of the fabricated objects. A designer could utilize this tool, called Style2Fab, to personalize 3D models of objects using only natural language prompts to describe their desired design.31/08/2023
Scientists of the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung pioneer new machine learning model for corrosion-resistant alloy design.30/08/2023
Automation and zero-defect production are important trends in machine construction. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a major role in advancing both of them. Today, it can already detect deviations in process monitoring data and implement quality control in real time. In the future, AI will regulate many more processes and simplify process planning through assistance functions.08/08/2023
Researchers are developing neuromorphic materials to optimize adaptive algorithms for autonomous driving and more. These materials resemble brain structure, enabling faster and more efficient algorithm responses. Supported by Volkswagen Foundation with €1 million, the team aims to apply the approach to hardware.01/08/2023
Even if the central concern of digitally integrated production or Industry 4.0 is networking industrial systems – the individual machine remains a central focus point of optimization. The reasons: Networking requires interfaces that must first be implemented on the individual machine.25/07/2023
Prof. Dr. Christopher Kuenneth together with research partners in Atlanta, USA, have now developed a digital system that promises extraordinarily high economical, technological and ecological benefits: from around 100 million theoretically possible polymers, their system can precisely select those materials that have an ideal property profile for targeted applications at unprecedented speed.29/06/2023
A patch equipped with highly sensitive electronics is meant to collect and evaluate vital data. In addition, the sensors will be integrated into baby clothing in order to improve the future of medical monitoring for newborns with the highest level of data security.20/06/2023
The potential of micro scanners in medical technology is immense. Their small size, low weight and high energy efficiency make them ideal for mobile use. More than 200 different micro scanner designs have been developed at Fraunhofer IPMS to meet customer-specific requirements.19/04/2023
In radiotherapy, precision in targeting tumor tissue while minimizing damage to healthy tissue is crucial. Monitoring the dose of radiation delivered and absorbed in real-time, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract, poses significant difficulty.11/04/2023
Advanced materials become increasingly complex due to the high requirements they have to fulfill regarding sustainability and applicability. Dierk Raabe and colleagues reviewed the use of artificial intelligence in materials science and the untapped spaces it opens if combined with physics-based simulations.06/04/2023
It assists many physicians and is designed to make their lives easier: Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen an increased use and widespread adoption in healthcare settings. As such, it helps analyze X-ray and CT images or supports chronic disease management, for example. But how trustworthy is AI software?23/03/2023
Precise two-dimensional analysis of high-tech layers in microelectronics, battery factories or even in the automotive sector approaches within reach. A measuring system developed at the Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS.22/02/2023
Engineering novel molecules and materials with specific properties can yield significant advances for industrial processes, drug discovery and optoelectronics. However, the search for novel molecules and materials is comparable to looking for a needle in a haystack, since the number of molecules in chemical space is of the unimaginable order of 10 to the power of 60.