PFAS ban: "Most of the PFAS substances used industrially do not pose a risk to humans or the environment" -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

PFAS ban: "Most of the PFAS substances used industrially do not pose a risk to humans or the environment"

Interview with Dr. Martin Leonhard, Chairman of Medical Technology at the German industry association SPECTARIS


Picture: a man with glasses in a gray suit; Copyright: SPECTARIS

Dr. Martin Leonhard

Image: a young male businessman sits at a desk in the office looking at his screen in confusion, Copyright: envato/ voronaman111

Many companies did not participate in the submissions to ECHA because they felt the questions were too extensive, could not answer all of them, or simply could not assign staff to do so.

Image: a man holds up a lens with his left hand and looks at it; Copyright: envato/svitlanah

Many everyday aids, such as eyeglasses resp. their lenses, would be affected by an all-encompassing PFAS ban.

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Image: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann

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