
Image: Semiconductor hydrogel placed into a vessel with tweezers hold in gloved hands; Copyright: UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering / John Zich

UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering / John Zich

Hydrogel semiconductor bridges bioelectronics and living tissue


Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering have developed a unique hydrogel semiconductor with properties ideal for medical applications. This new material offers seamless integration with tissue, paving the way for advanced bioelectronic devices in implants and non-surgical applications.
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Image: 3D printer as preview image to the video

From dental crowns to prostheses: The versatile world of 3D printing


Discover the dimensions of 3D printing in our latest video, which shows the possibilities of current printer models and highlights the diverse areas of application in the field of medical technology. Whether dentistry or orthopaedics, 3D printers can be used in a wide range of applications and the medical technology sector would be unthinkable without them.
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Image: Various hearing aids lie on a tray, hands reach for them from all four sides; Copyright: ninelutsk / Envato

ninelutsk / Envato

The smallest technology for powerful hearing experiences


From conversations with friends or colleagues to plays and lectures – modern hearing devices enable many people to participate in everyday life. However, the smallest components are needed to ensure that the devices function optimally and cause as few complications as possible for the users. Let’s take a look at the microtechnology in these hearing aid devices.
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Image: some computer mouse shells made of printed wood fiber on a table; Copyright: Empa


Wood instead of plastic? The dream of sustainable products


In our everyday life, the desire to use sustainable products instead of those made of plastic is common and can usually be implemented well. But what about medical technology manufacturers? Could they do without plastics at all in order to become more sustainable? After all, they often use a lot of electronics.
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Image: A technical drawing with 3 inputs and one output; Copyright: Fraunhofer IZM

Fraunhofer IZM

Future chips: using magnetic effects in electrons for a hundredfold reduction in power consumption


SPIDER project: Using spinwave technology, EU consortium led by Fraunhofer IZM aims to cut computer chip power consumption by 100x. Magnon-based approach promises energy-efficient computing. Project runs till May 2026 with €3M funding.
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Image: A man holds a glass object with a glove.; Copyright: Jean Lachat

Jean Lachat

Smallest known way to guide light invented


Scientists at the University of Chicago found a glass crystal just a few atoms thick can trap and carry light - and could be used for applications.
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Image:  Doctoral candidate Lukas Hiendlmeier working on the self-folding electrodes; Copyright: Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Andreas Heddergott / TUM

Electrodes: 4D printing for nerve stimulation


Specific nerves may be stimulated artificially, for example to treat pain. The finer the nerves, the more difficult it is to attach the required electrodes. Researchers have now developed flexible electrodes produced with 4D printing technology. On contact with moisture, they automatically fold and wrap themselves around thin nerves.
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Image: R2R printed electronic components on paper ; Copyright: K. Selsam/Fraunhofer ISC

K. Selsam/Fraunhofer ISC

CircEl-Paper: Recyclable paper-based electronics


Billions of tons of electronic waste are produced in the EU every year. With a novel approach, the new EU project "CircEl-Paper" could sustainably improve the recycling process for electronics in the future.
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Image: Several quick test lying next to each other; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Modern Point of Care Diagnostics: "Decentralization is key to success"


The COVID-19 pandemic has set off a boom in point-of-care diagnostics. But where is diagnostic testing headed and how much will digital technologies come into play? Felix Kurth answered these and other questions in an interview. The biosystems engineer works at CSEM – a Swiss technology innovation center.
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