Laser cutting: "We can use the laser to produce component geometry sizes of 5 to 50 micrometers" -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Laser cutting: "We can use the laser to produce component geometry sizes of 5 to 50 micrometers"

Interview with Volker Franke, Group Manager Laser Micro Processing, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS


Photo: Man with short dark hair - Volker Franke; Copyright: Fraunhofer IWS

Volker Franke

Image: a cent piece on which a smaller elastomer seal in dark gray is placed for size comparison; Copyright: Fraunhofer IWS

A cut precision gasket with check valve. In size comparison, a penny piece.

Products and exhibitors on the topic

Image: Close-up view of a laser cutting machine. A person can be seen blurred behind it; Copyright: envato/microgen
Image: Microfluidics in different stadium lined up on a table; Copyright: Fraunhofer IWS.

Microfluidics manufactured at the Fraunhofer IWS.

Image: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann