COMPAMED 2019: Voices from the halls -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

COMPAMED 2019: Voices from the halls

Image: male trade fair visitor; Copyright: beta-web/Pott
Friedrich von Kleist appreciates COMPAMED as the leading trade fair to find out where medical technology is heading. "As consultants, we are here to find the latest trends in the areas of OR equipment and outpatient care."
Image: male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Todd Salomon of Argon Medical Devices is exhibiting at COMPAMED for the first time this year, but his company is a loyal exhibitor. “We come here every year. The COMPAMED gives us a forum and an opportunity to meet with our European customers which we don’t often have the chance to do.”
Image: male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
For at least ten years now, Uwe Kirstein has been visiting COMPAMED - his observation: during this time the design of the exhibition area has become friendlier and more open. "The trade fair is a unique opportunity to take a look at new information and products, to meet international customers and suppliers and to hold in-depth discussions – which otherwise involves a great deal of effort."
Image: a male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Primasil Silicones offers silicone solutions. They have been exhibiting for twelve years at COMPAMED. For eight of those years they have been in the same exact spot. Andrew Thomas, Business Development Manager, noticed a lot of interest in the fields of wearable technology, sensor-based design, or smart materials. One of the most asked questions from visitors was: “Can you make materials smart?”
Image: Male visitor; Copyright: beta-web/Pott
Luca Belloi is studying at the University of Lübeck to become a biomedical engineer. It’s his first visit at COMPAMED, but he hopes to come back next year not as a visitor but as an exhibitor. “The COMPAMED gives me a 360° view of my field of studies, which is image processing.“
Image: male trade fair visitor; Copyright: beta-web/Pott
Muhammed Musa is originally from Nigeria and studies mechanical engineering in Lübeck. His opinion about the fair: “COMPAMED gives me an opportunity to find improvements in surgical procedures like adding bio-degradable implants. Today I saw implants that were made of actual human tissues. That was new for me and I am impressed.”
Image: two exhibitors; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Meeting existing customers and winning new ones - these are the main goals of the French manufacturer Promepla. For them, the COMPAMED is the biggest trade fair they are participating in. They have been coming for 20 years now. Franck Slawinski, Sales Development Manager at Promepla, describes the fair as "the place to be for all manufacturers in the medical sector".
Image: male visitor; Copyright: beta-web/Pott
Twenty years ago, Paolo Galavotti visited the very first COMPAMED - and has been a loyal participant ever since. “As a medical device manufacturer I am looking for trends in life sciences and the bio-tech industry.” It is with great interest that he observes an increasing number of very different companies and suppliers exhibiting at the show and introducing new technologies and features into the technical equipment.
Image: male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Guy Topping, Managing Director for Mi3, told us that his clients come to him at the COMPAMED with diverse but specific topics like micro dosing, vaporizing or fiber optic lighting. Mi3 also engages with other suppliers to aggregate knowledge. “And with this kind of interaction we see ourselves as a bridge really: We bring as many people together as possible.”
Image: male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Pott
Philip Neuefeind already knew MEDICA, but this year he was overwhelmed by the size of COMPAMED. "We are looking for specialists in the field of software development for the German-Chinese market. The high proportion of Chinese exhibitors is a big help to us".
Image: male exhibitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Kettenbach is a producer and supplier of OEM medical sponge fabrics. Dr. Karsten Tauber, Key Account Manager at Kettenbach, sees wound care as a major topic in the next few years. Due to the increasing age of the population and the associated care, the demand for the corresponding materials will grow significantly, predicts Tauber. He describes COMPAMED as "reliable, innovative, familiar".
Image: male visitor; Copyright: beta-web/Koller
Kedar Shukla visits the COMPAMED for the first time. “As a manufacturer I am looking for components I could use and I also met with leading companies from around the globe.” He expects to visit the trade fair again in a few years when significant progress will have been made in his field.